Since Aldrich opened its doors in the 1930s, we’ve been dedicated to our clients and the craftmanship that goes into each and everyone of our products. Our business is the result of passionate individuals, hard work, and leadership along with generations of employees who have helped shape our industry. Our rich heritage is something we are very proud of and will continue you to focus on as we look to the future.
“Our aim is to make every Aldrich-built burner tops in performance, economy, and quality. This is done by simplifying design so that fewer parts are necessary. Aldrich burners are always ahead of competition — introduced the first cast-in Airflex — showed the industry how to get a bigger share of heating installations by making one burner flexible enough for any requirement by means of interchangeable fans and blast tubes — effected service economy by the use of interchangeable tubes and standard parts such as motors, fuel pumps and transformers so that if these parts eventually must be replaced after long years of service, they may be quickly, economically renewed. All parts, however, which 17 years of field experience proves cannot be obtained elsewhere of the quality to meet our exacting requirements, are made by us. And, Aldrich burners are sold under the broadest guarantee in the industry.”
Lloyd J. Aldrich